
Intensive Family Support

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Hillside’s Intensive Family Support (IFS) services are intended for Department of Human Services foster families and/or relative placements and the young people (placed in the care and custody of the County) who reside in their homes. Specifically, we look to serve young people in their teens whose “big behaviors” have resulted in multiple disruptions from care, as well as, young children whose own trauma history prevents them from successfully integrating into a foster home setting.

About this Program

The IFS program endeavors to meet the following needs:

  • For young people to learn necessary skills to become more successful in regulating their emotions and behaviors in order to achieve and sustain permanency
  • For foster parents, relative resources and birth parents to strengthen their relationship and together develop the skills necessary to support the young person while in placement
  • For families to be linked with necessary resources so families may achieve and sustain stability and permanency for their children

To achieve the goal of placement stabilization, we offer a model of services that is youth-guided, family-driven and trauma-informed to meet the needs of the foster families and young people. More specifically, services are:

  • Individualized in accordance with the child and family’s needs
  • Flexible in terms of both intensity and duration of involvement
  • Inclusive of clinical and non-clinical interventions (i.e. skill building, trauma-informed parent education)
  • Cohesive, building when possible on the individualized plan of care developed through the Child and Family Team process
  • Respectful of the family’s culture and provided in a culturally and linguistically competent manner
  • Responsive, with staff on call 24 hours a day

Goals/Objectives/Outcomes: Placement, stabilization and improved quality of life for children in the child welfare system.


This program is open to eligible residents of Monroe County.


Rochester Office
1 Mustard Street
Rochester, NY 14609

Contact Information

Michele Buono
Program Manager

For details about this or any Hillside program, contact us 24 hours a day at 585-256-7500 or info@hillside.com

This Program Supported by Monroe County Department of Human Services.

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